Teacher & Parent Links
Here is the place to find useful links for teachers, parents, and just general interest, kid-focused experiments for the classroom and at home.
See our childrens page for many more child orientated science sites.
For Parents
Alberta Speleological Society - Learn to explore caves safely
College Board for Parents - Help your child prepare for college.
Education Place - Activities and resources for parents, caregivers, and home schoolers who want to help their children excel in school.
Food News - A handy guide to pesticide that may be present in produce
MAD Scientist Network - Experiments from the many branches of science.
Reeko Mad Scientist Lab - Free science projects and experiments.
TryScience for Parents - Activities, and ideas that are exciting, useful, and offer something for the whole family!
For Teachers
AIMS Activity Database - Hands-on, standards-based activities and curricula that are engaging, affordable and easy to use.
Alberta Environment Educational Resources - Credible, comprehensive materials to support environmental education programs in Alberta.
Bio-DiTRL Biology Resources Library - An online database with digital media that can be used to assist in teaching biology.
BioMEDIA ASSOCIATES - Learning programs for biology
Boreal Classroom Activities - The leading supplier of science materials and equipment to Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science and Physics teachers.
BugBox - Learning about bugs is fun!
College Board for Educators - Reources for teachers.
Alberta Science Network - Connects technologists, engineers and mathematicians with teachers, children and the public.
The Entomological Society of Alberta - To foster the advancement, exchange, and dissemination of the knowledge of insects in relation to their importance in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, public health, industry and for its own sake, among the people of the Province of Alberta.
Focus on Forest - See curriculum links for teachers in all provinces.
Fort Collins Science Center - Conducts research and develops technical applications to assist land managers and natural resource decision makers in understanding and managing biological resources and ecosystems.
Global SchoolNet - Learning activities that prepare students for the workforce and help them to become responsible global citizens.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Provides a variety of books, print, and electronic learning materials, assessments and professional development programs.
Human Biology Kits - A great hands on learning experience.
JASON Project - Award-winning supplementary curricula are designed with the world’s leading scientists and educators.
Let's Talk Science - Hands-on science content or strategy workshops.
Librarian's Index to the Internet - Provide a well-organized point of access for reliable, trustworthy, librarian-selected Internet resources.
Middle School Earth Science - Virtual earth science museum.
National Geographic for Teachers - Helps prepare the next generation of global citizens by helping kids understand the world and their place in it.
Network for Elementary Science Teachers - Science learning for K-12 teachers.
Outreach Science Ontario - Coordinates projects promoting Science education.
The Physics Classroom - Tutorials for grade 1 to high school.
Project Skymath - Uses real-time weather data to develop several mathematical concepts using weather and temperature. Designed for middle school.
RiverWatch - Allows science classes to explore a 10 km section of their local river during a raft float trip. Along the way, students make shoreline stops to conduct water chemistry and biology tests.
Science Education Resource Centre at Carelton College - Information from K-12
Science Learning Network - Online community of educators, students, schools and museums demonstrating a new model for science education.
Science NetLinks - Internet-based content spanning many academic disciplines.
Science World British Columbia (Vancouver) - Hundreds of interactive exhibits.
Teachnet.com - Lesson Ideas.
The Annenberg Foundation/CPB exhibits - Interactive extensions of science concepts and themes explored through video resources.
The Canadian Space Agency - Brings space to the classroom and encourages students interest in science, math and technology .
TryScience for Teachers - Resources to help you integrate science resources into classroom activities and connect with your parents and students.
Science Outreach Athabasca - November 26, 2018