Discovery Backpacks

August, 2005

The discovery Backpack. Photo by Robert Holmberg.The discovery packs were developed as a way to foster science awareness within the community, with a special focus on children and families. Two levels of backpacks are available: junior packs for children in kindergarten to grade 4, and senior packs for grades 5 and up. In the backpacks, young discoverers will find magnifying glasses, bug viewing boxes, minnow nets, books about local flora, information about West Nile, wildlife pamphlets, activity suggestions and various other educational materials. The backpacks have been delivered to, and can be borrowed from libraries in Athabasca, Boyle, Grassland, Rochester, Smith and Wandering River.

For more information visit Science Outreach - Athabasca at or call Peggy Baker at 780-675-0314.

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 26, 2012

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