2009 Anual Athabasca Butterfly Count

July 11, 2009

Tiger Swallowtale

Organizers: Robert Holmberg and Terry Thormin

Date & Time: July 11, 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Location: Athabasca, Alberta Admission is free. We used to ask for donations to the North American Butterfly Association but now most Alberta counts compile the data separately.

Synopsis: Click the image for a video clip! This is a family-oriented event--everyone welcome!




Lunch at Muskeg Creek Chalet, Bring your own bagged lunch. Muskeg Creek Chalet is a log building located in Athabasca on 56 Street near Landing Trail Intermediate School.


Review of what species we are likely to encounter. Formation of groups of 4-8 people. One or two groups will stay around town but others will travel by car to nearby locations.


Participants in the field count butterflies in different habitats within a defined 7.5-mile radius of Athabasca.


Group leaders drop off count results at Muskeg Creek Chalet.

For more details on what to bring, etc., please see our Printable Poster (PDF - 49KB).

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 26, 2012

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