Christmas Bird Counts 2001

Snowy OwlWith our area of the world considered one of the best for birders, the 2001 Christmas Bird Counts in Athabasca, Lac La Biche, and Slave Lake were again successful. Thanks to all who participated and remember to not miss next years counts. Everybody is welcome and no experience necessary!

Athabasca 2001 Christmas Bird Count

Date: 27 December, 2001, 8:30 AM
Location: Muskeg Creek Chalet, Athabasca

HIGHLIGHTS: While field observers generally found the number of individual birds down, when coupled with the feeder counts, overall Athabasca numbers and species variety were similar to most other years. A highlight of this year's Athabasca count was sightings of Northern Goshawks throughout the count area. When a number of Count Week "vagrants" [Bald Eagle, Northern Shrike and Brewer's Blackbird] were added to our list, our species numbers were a seven year high of 34. Total individuals numbered 2576.

Report of the 2001 Athabasca Christmas Birdcount

Results will be posted directly to Bird Studies Canada website. Results for the last 102 counts are available on Audbon's site.

HIGHLIGHTS: While field observers generally found the number of individuals down, when coupled with the feeder counts, overall Athabasca numbers and species variety held there own with most other years. When a number of Count Week 'vagrants' [Bald Eagle, Northern Shrike and Brewer's Blackbird] were added to our list, our species numbers were up to 34, an alltime high. Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpoll numbers were up significantly from 2000. Woodpecker diversity was up, including both Three-toed and Black-backed. Owl variety and numbers were down significantly from last year. In 2000, Northern Hawkowls were common throughout the winter. None have been seen this autumn or winter to date. A highlight of this year's Athabasca count was sightings of Northern Goshawk's throughout the count area.

Athabasca Alberta, Canada
2001 Christmas Bird Count Summary

LOCATION: Latitude - 54°43' N, Longitude - 113°17' W, centre 50th Ave and 50 St., Athabasca Alberta

DATE: Thursday December 27, 2001, 07:00 AM to 08:00 PM.

WEATHER: -20C to -10C [-4F to +14F]. Clear. Wind Calm. Heavy morning hoar frost. Snow cover - 21-31cm [08-12 in.]. Water frozen.

OBSERVERS: Field - 14 in 4 parties [nonowling]: Ursula Brant; Jean Brehaut; Wayne Brehaut; Robert Holmberg; Fred Korbut; Brian Kowalchuk; Marguerite Lomow; Avard Mann; Julia Nielson; Bob Parsons; Geoff Peruniak; Ryan Peruniak; Michael Quinn; Harvey Scott. 5 owling.

FEEDER WATCHERS - 25: Ursula Brant; Helen Brauer; Linda Buhlman; Nellie Cholach; Ella Crusch; Marie Fuller; Lorraine Gislason; Bud Goupil; Julie Holt; Terry Korman; Susan Layh; Rheal Lambert; Marie Martin; Valerie Neaves; Merilyn Peruniak; Jean Rooke; Adele Sale; Louis Schmittroth; Evelyn Scott; Jack Sherman; Ken Stashko; Anne Stiles; Walter Struski; George Weston; John Williams.

TOTAL PARTY HOURS: 102 hrs; Field - 41 hrs [31 in car, 10 on foot]; Feeders - 61 hrs.

TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELLED: 145 kms [89 miles]: car - 121 kms [80 miles]; 12 kms [8 miles] on foot. Owling - 3 kms [1 mile].

Lac La Biche 2001 Christmas Bird Count

Date: 15 December, 2001, 7:00am
Location: Lac La Biche Inn, Lac La Biche

HIGHLIGHTS: The Lac La Biche 2001 Christmas Bird count went well and we had great weather. We had a record year for the count with 32 species of birds recorded, including two Bald Eagles and two Brown Creepers, for a total of 3216 individuals.

Slave Lake 2001 Christmas Bird Count

Date: 29 December, 2001, 8:00am
Location: Sawridge Truck Stop (2 km North on Hwy 88 off Hwy 2), Slave Lake

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 26, 2012

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