Science Trivia Questions 11-20

Difficult Questions

What are the major renewable resources in the Athabasca River basin?

What are four major non-renewable resources in the Athabasca River Basin?

What is the SAGD method of oil extraction?

What are PAHs?

What are the major environmental concerns for the Athabasca River?

  1. Toxic chemicals from naturally occurring sources as well as from industries. Some of these chemicals biomagnify in organisms such as fish and humans.
  2. Not enough water for wildlife and industries as well as dilution of toxins. Global warming will lead to depletion of glacial water input and may change recipitation patterns.  Too much water can cause flooding damage, especially to those who build in flood plains. Timing of water flow is also important.
  3. Low dissolved oxygen for fish and other aquatic organisms. Low dissolved oxygen is especially important in the winter when there is ice cover and low water flows.
  4. Excess nutrient enrichment from industries (including runoff from agriculture and forestry operations) and municipalities. Excess nutrients (e.g. nitrogen and potassium compounds) cause algal blooms which may lead to low oxygen levels when the algae die and decompose.
  5. Human health problems from toxins or disease organisms.
  6. Over exploitation of natural resources.

How many oil sands plants are there in the Athabasca River Basin?

What is the predominate soil type in the Athabasca River Basin?

How many parks are there in the Athabasca River Basin?

How many metres does the Athabasca River drop from its source to its endpoint? Hint: 208, 1 230, 3 529, or 3 747 m?

Which river in Alberta is the largest (i.e., has the highest discharge rate)?

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 26, 2012

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