Teens (Grades 7-12) General Science

ABC Science – Australian Broadcasting Corporation's gateway to online science.

Academic Earth - Free online video courses from leading universities – videotaped lectures in astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, mathematics, medicine, physics and psychology.

Alberta Speleological Society. For all you need to know about caving in Alberta.

Alberta Women’s Science Network - Encouraging Women in Engineering, Science & Information Technology.

Awesome Library - Internet resources for kids, teens, parents and teachers. Warning: Some advertising on some sponsor links.

BioInteractive - Free resources for science teachers and students.

The Brain Scoop - Videos from the field museum Chicago.

Canada's Discovery Channel – Information related to their TV shows.

Caving Canada. General information on caves and their exploration.

Centre for Inquiry – Promotes reason, science, and freedom of inquiry in all areas.

Daily Planet - A discovery channel shows about general science.

Exploratorium – The museum of science, art and human perception.

HowStuffWorks – Learn how things works.

Internet Public Library (ipl2) - An index to the Internet which provides a point of access for librarian-selected Internet resources.

Instructional Materials in Science Education (IMSA Net) – Web links and commercial instructional materials.

Invention Dimension of the Lemelson-MIT Program – Check out Inventor of the Week, Games & Trivia and Links & Resources.

Kids Online Resources – Science resources for kids from K–12. Links, science search engines, demonstrations, experiments, tutorials.

Library Spot – Encyclopedias, maps, libraries and much more. Warning: Advertising.

Monster Science – Looks at allegedly real creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.

NASA KIDS’ CLUB – News, missions, multimedia

Nature – One of the two preeminent science journals.

NOVA Online – Related to their TV show.

Open Culture – “the best free culture & educational media on the web” – See their lists of free courses in biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics.

Science Made Simple – Information on science projects. Warning: Advertising.

The Science Studio - The best science multimedia on the web.

Scanning Electron Microscope – Image gallery of the Museum of Science.

Science Learning Network - World wide community of museums and other science links.

Telus World of Science – This telecommunications company sponsors science centers in Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.

University Discoveries – Discoveries and innovations from American universities and that have changed the world.

The Why Files – Science behind the news.

Wanna Learn - 50 categories of free, first-rate, family-safe online tutorials. Check out the science and math sections.

Science Outreach Athabasca - November 26, 2018

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