Teens (Grades 7-12) Atmospheric Science Links
CNN Weather - Accurate weather reports from around the world. Warning: Some advertising.
Environment Canada Weather - Canadian weather forecasts and current conditions, radar and satellite maps, marine and aviation weather information, and climate data online.
EurekAlert!, American Association for the Advancement of Science - Stay informed about the latest news in atmospheric science.
Intellicast - Interactive weather maps. Has a rather unique feature that allows the user to slow up the animated loop or play it frame by frame. Warning: Some advertising.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Severe Storms Laboratory, Quest Series - Unravelling the secrets of weather.
NOAA Quest Series - Unraveling the secrets of weather.
Online Meteorology Guide, University of Illinois – An introduction to fundamental concepts in the atmospheric sciences.
The Weather Network - A Canadian private weather forecast agency providing weather forecasts and current conditions in Canada and from around the world.
Water Cycle, University of Washington - Experiments to understand the water cycle processes: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and saturation.
Weather Underground - Another source of weather maps and current weather in the world.
Science Outreach Athabasca - September 26, 2012