Teens (Grades 7-12) General Nature Links

Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) - Contributes to sustainable management of Alberta's wildlife and fish populations.

Alberta Government: Sustainable Resource Development – Fish and wildlife, lands and forest, recreation and public use, waste, and forest fires.

American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) – Dedicated to advancing biological research and education for the welfare of society.

ARKive – Photos and videos of endangered plants, animals and fungi.

Enviornmental Research & Studies Centre, University of Alberta.

Information Center for the Environment (ICE) - Catalogues global environmental information, University of California.

Microbe World - Excellent site for seeking knowledge about microorganisms.

National Film Board of Canada - Search and look for science related films.

Natural Perspective - Information on the five kingdoms of living beings.

NatureServe - Provides knowledge about the world's natural diversity.

OceanLink - Dedicated to ocean education.

Outdoor Canada - Hunting and fishing information. Some advertising.

RiverWorld - Information about international river conservation.

Smithsonian National Zoological Park - Exhibits and educational resources.

Species at Risk in Canada - The Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.

Tree of Life - Explore the diversity of organisms.

University of California Museum of Paleontology – Online exhibits of fossils.

Science Outreach Athabasca - November 26, 2018

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