Pulp Mills and the Environment: an Annotated Bibliography for Nothern Alberta

Environmental Impact Assessments

A.A. Aquatic Research Limited. An Environmental Review of the Daishowa Rail Spur. [Edmonton?]: A.A. Aquatic Research Ltd., 1988. Prepared for the Alberta Railway Corporation. An EIA for the rail line to the Daishowa mill in the Peace River area.

Alberta Energy Company Limited. Environmental Impact Assessment. Bleached Chemi-Thermo-Mechanical Pulp Mill [at] Slave Lake, Alberta. Calgary: Alberta Energy Company Ltd., 1989. Prepared by Western Research with assistance from: E.V.S. Consultants, Kensington Consulting, Ramsay & Associates Consulting Services Ltd., and Fedirchuk McCullough & Associates Ltd. Main Report. Supplemental Report. EIA and supplemental reports for the pulp mill at Slave Lake.

Alberta Environment. Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines. Edmonton: Alberta Environment, Environmental Assessment Division, 1985. Old guidelines on planning, preparation, review, and decisions on EIAs. Notes on various acts.

Alberta Department of Lands and Forests. Public Hearing on Proposed Pulp Mill Development in the Grande Prairie Area, October 27th, 1967, Grande Prairie, Alberta: Summary. [Edmonton]: Department of Lands and Forests, 1968? A very early EIA.

Alberta Newsprint Company. Environmental Impact Assessment. Whitecourt, Alberta: Alberta Newsprint Company, Ltd., 1988. Volume 1 with Supplemental. Prepared by Nystrom, Lee, Kobayashi and Associates. EIA for the Whitecourt paper mill.

Alberta-Pacific Environmental Impact Assessment Review Board. The Proposed Alberta-Pacific Pulp Mill: Report of the EIAReview Board. [Edmonton]: Alberta Environment, 1990. This is the initial review of the Alberta-Pacific EIA. The public hearings associated with this review were the most extensive in Alberta's history. Transcripts of the hearings (50 volumes) and written submissions (750) are held in the Alberta Environment, Athabasca University and University of Alberta libraries.

Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. Environmental Impact Assessment. Bleached Kraft Mill. Edmonton: Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc., 1989. Prepared by Beak Consultants. Main Report. Summary Report. Public Participation Program. This EIA actually has many parts that were produced separately and after these publications. For example see also: Jack Phelps (Roadway Planning Branch) Alberta-Pacific Pulp Mill: Roadway Infrastructure Brief of October 1989.

Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc., Beak Consultants Ltd and H.A. Simons Ltd. Mitigative Response to Concerns Regarding Chlorinated Organic Compounds. Edmonton: Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Ltd., 1990. This is a supplement to the EIA concerning substitutes for molecular chlorine gas bleaching.

Alberta-Pacific Scientific Review Panel. A Review of the Modified Wood Pulping and Bleaching Processes Proposed for Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. Pulp Mill. Edmonton: Alberta Environment, 1990. This is a review of the above review of the Al-Pac proposal but it only considers the bleaching process.

Bird, Bud and Pauline, Jack and Beverly Macklin, Lyle and Sharon Roth. Fair Play. Privately printed, 1990 but available from: Calgary: Maps and Publications Counter, Energy Resources Conservation Board; Edmonton: Community Affairs Branch, Alberta Environment; Olds: Alberta Agriculture. A short handbook produced by the residents of Eagle Valley from their experiences dealing with developments in the Caroline Gas Field. Chapters include: Talk to Your Neighbours and Stick Together, Stand Up to the Company, Be Reasonable and Cooperative, Get Involved in the Emergency Response Plan, Keep an Eye on the Company, Obtain Information and Stay Informed, Expect Both Negative and Positive Impacts in Your Community.

Blumenfeld, Mark. Conducting an Environmental Audit. New York: Executive Enterprises Publications, 1989. A handbook for doing an environmental audit of a company. Could be used to help prepare or critique an EIA.

Bowles, Roy T. Social Impact Assessment in Small Communities: An Integrative Review of Selected Literature. Toronto: Butterworths, 1981. When EIAs are done the human social impacts also have to be considered.

Carley, Michael J. and Eduardo S. Bustelo. Social Impact Assessment and Monitoring: A Guide to the Literature. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984. Social Impact Assessment Series, No. 7. A critical review of 600 publications on SIA.

Champion Forest Products Ltd. Hinton Modernization and Expansion Project: Environment Impact Assessment. Hinton: Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd. and Beak Associates Consulting Ltd., 1987. EIA (in 4 volumes) for expansion of the pulp mill in Hinton. Champion changed its name to Weldwood. Former names were St. Regis Pulp Mill, Northwood Pulp and Paper Co., and Northwest Pulp and Power Co.

Chem-Security (Alberta) Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Expansion of the Alberta Special Waste Treatment Centre. Volume I: Executive Summary. Calgary: The company, 1991. An example of an EIA for a plant that disposes of waste chemicals by incineration, land burial, and deep well injection.

Clark, Michael and John Herrington, editors. The Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Planning Process. London: Mansell Publishing, 1988. A European view of the EIA process.

Couch, William J., editor. Environmental Assessment in Canada: 1988 Summary of Current Practice. [Ottawa]: Canadian Council of Resource and Environment Ministers, 1989. Cat. No. En 104-4/ 1988. A review of the processes across Canada.

CPL Bibliographies. Public Involvement in Environmental Decisionmaking: An Annotated Bibliography. Chicago, Illinois: CPL Bibliographies, 1981. A commercial listing of publications on how the public can be involved in decisions affecting the environment.

Daishowa Canada Company Ltd. Environmental Assessment Report. Daishowa Canada Co. Ltd. Peace River Kraft Pulp Mill. Vancouver: H.A. Simons Ltd. and Pacific Liaicon Ltd., 1987-1988. An EIA in five volumes: the report itself (December 1987), two addenda on their public Consultation Program Documentation (November and December 1987), a Supplemental Information to the Environmental Assessment Report (April 1988), and An Environmental Review of the Daishowa Rail Spur (June 1988).

Derksen, G and M. Lashmer. Environmental Review of the Crestbrook Pulp Mill at Skookumchuk, British Columbia. [Vancouver]: Environmental Protection Service, Environmental Protection Branch, Pacific Region, December 1981. An example of a review process in British Columbia.

Edwards, Paul. The Alberta Pacific Pulp Mill Proposal: A Review of the Environmental Assessment of a Bleached Kraft Mill. Journal of Pesticide Reform, volume 10, number 2, pages 14-17, 1990. A brief overview of the EIA process on the Al-Pac mill up to May 1990.

Edwards, Paul. The Al-Pac Review Hearings: A Case Study. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1990. 0.5 A study of the review process for the Alberta-Pacific pulp mill with recommendations for future hearings on environmental matters.

Esso Resources Canada Limited. Cold Lake Project: Final Environmental Impact Assessment. Calgary: ESSO, 1979. Volume I - Project Description. Volume II - Biophysical Resources Impact Assessment. Volume III - Socio-Economic Assessment. Executive Summary. The EIA for the heavy oil project at Cold Lake.

E.V.S. Consultants Ltd. Baseline Environmental Studies of the Lesser Slave River. Volume II [of EIA]. North Vancouver: E.V.S. Consultants Ltd., 1991. Prepared for the Slave Lake Pulp Corporation. This is the environmental baseline survey of the river and is a supplemental report for the EIA.

Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office. Manual on Public Involvement in Environmental Assessment: Planning and Implementing Public Involvement Programs. Calgary: Praxis, 1988. Includes: context, rationale, support from decision-makers, staffing and organization, and trends.

Jaakko Poyry. Complementary Scientific Review of the Proposed Alberta-Pacific Pulp Mill Project Environmental Impact Assessment. Main Report. Helsinki, Finland: Jaakko Poyry, 1990. Prepared for Alberta Research Council, ARC Contribution Series 1855. This is a review of the review, of the review of the Al-Pac proposal. It concentrates on the effects of chlorinated organic compounds and biological oxygen demand of the effluent.

MacLaren, Virginia and Joseph B. Whitney, editors. New Directions in Environmental Impact Assessment in Canada. Toronto: Methuen, 1985. Nine papers from a conference held in 1983.

Millar Western Pulp Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Whitecourt Pulp Mill. Vancouver: H.A. Simons Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 1986. EIA for the Whitecourt pulp mill.

Parenteau, Rene. Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making. Ottawa: Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, 1988. Recommendations on how the public should be involved in decisions made that affect the environment. Topics include: right to participate, various mechanisms for public consultation, and typical presentations made by the public.

Phaneuf, Yves. EIS Process and Decision Making. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council, 1990. Cat No. En 107-3/16-1990. Testing the ELECTRE method of determining environmental consequences on a proposed electrical transmission line.

Study Group on Environmental Assessment Hearing Procedures. Public Review: Neither Judicial, Nor Political, but an Essential Forum for the Future of the Environment. A Report Concerning the Reform of Public Hearing Procedures for Federal Environmental Assessment Reviews. Ottawa: Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office, 1988. This report reviews the federal Environment Assessment and Review Process (EARP) and makes several recommendations on the public hearing procedures, intervenor funding, and changes in legislation.

Syncrude Canada Ltd. Biophysical Impact Assessment for the New Facilities at the Syncrude Canada Ltd. Mildred Lake Plant. Edmonton: Syncrude Canada Ltd., 1984. Another EIA for northern Alberta.

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 27, 2012

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