Pulp Mills and the Environment: an Annotated Bibliography for Nothern Alberta


Alberta Forest Service. Alberta Phase 3 Forest Inventory: An Overview. Edmonton: Alberta, Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, Timber Management Branch, 1985. ENR Report No. I/86. An introduction to how timber maps were produced for the Alberta Forest Inventory (Phase 3) and summary results for the ten forest management districts.

Alberta Forest Service. Alberta Phase 3 Forest Inventory: Forest Cover Type Specifications. Edmonton: Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, 1984, reprinted 1988. ENR Report No. Dept. 58. This outlines the procedures and codes used to describe forest stands. Descriptors include: density, height, species, commercialism, origin, slope, disturbances, condition, understorey and treatment of clearings.

Alberta Forest Service. Alberta Phase 3 Forest Inventory: Ground Truthing Procedures. Edmonton: Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, 1989. ENR Report No. Dept. 53. Ground and aerial checks on the accuracy of how air photographs were interpreted.

Alberta Forest Service. Alberta Phase 3 Forest Inventory: Single Tree Volume Tables: Methods of Formulation. Edmonton: Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, 1985. ENR Report No. Dept. 86a. Outlines how calculations were made for Gross Total Volume (cubic metres of tree stems per hectare), Gross Merchantable Volume (excluding stump and top volumes) and Defect Volume (volumes not usable, defective or decayed, for saw logs or pulpwood).

Alberta Forest Service. Alberta Phase 3 Forest Inventory: Single Tree Volume Tables: Volume Sampling Region 8. Edmonton: Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, 1985. ENR Report No. Dept. 86j. Sample of several technical bulletins for specific forest regions, in this case the Northeast.

Alberta Forest Service. Alberta Phase 3 Forest Inventory: Volumes and Stem Numbers for Forest Types: Northern Alberta, Volume Sampling Regions 7, 8 and 10. Edmonton: Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, 1985. ENR Report No. Dept. 61d. Sample of several technical reports on wood volumes (cubic metres per hectare) and numbers of tree stems per hectare for different forest types in northern Alberta.

Alberta Forest Service. Timber Quota Policy. Edmonton: Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, 1985. ENR Report No. I/51. MICROLOG 85-2002, 1 fiche Short explanation of the quota policy, that is the percentage share of the annual allowable cut of a management unit.

Alberta Forest Service. Volumes and Stem Numbers for Forest Types: Steps to Volume Table Formulation. Edmonton: Alberta Energy and Natural Resources, 1985. ENR Report No. Dept. 61a. Outlines how calculations were made to calculate volumes of usable wood fiber.

Amyot, Jean-Pierre. Forest Management in Canada. Ottawa: Science and Technology Division, Research Branch, Library of Canada, 1988. Cat. No. YM32-1-87-1-1987-1E. A ten page overview of the importance of forests and federal government activity in forestry. A good speech with much data.

Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies. International Symposium on the Dynamics of Boreal Forest Ecosystems: Future Research and Management Requirements: Summary Account. Ottawa: ACUNS-AUCEN, 1982. Summary of a conference held at Lakehead University in Thunderbay, Ontario. Good for names and addresses of experts on the boreal forest.

Blair, Harry W. and Porus D. Olpadwala. Forestry in Development Planning: Lessons from the Rural Experience. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988. A world view of forestry and development.

Bonnor, G.M. Inventory of Forest Biomass in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Forestry Service, ENFOR, 1985. Catalogue number: Fo42-80/1985 Biomass estimates of trees in various parts of Canada.

Buongiorno, Joseph and J. Keith Gilless. Forest Management and Economics: A Primer in Quantitative Methods. New York: MacMillan Publishing, 1987. A group of mathematical models and computer simulations for managing forestry operations. This is one book in a series on Biological Resource Management.

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. A National Forest Sector Strategy for Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Council of Forest Ministers, 1987. Developed at the Canadian Forestry Forum on a National Forest Sector Strategy at Saint John, New Brunswick. Set of recommendations.

Canadian Forestry Service, Maritimes. Can Pulpmill Wood Waste be Used for Land Reclamation? Canadian Forestry Service, Technical Note No. 170, 1987. MICROLOG 87-04443, 1 fiche Use of wood wastes (from clarifier sludge and grit) for adding organic material back to the soil.

College of Forestry, Oregon State University. Oregon's Forestry Outlook: An Uncertain Future. Forest Research Laboratory, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, (Corvallis, Oregon, 97331-5703), 1989. The 1989 Starker Lectures. Four articles on: forests of central Europe, timber exports, economics and future timber supplies.

Corns, I.G.W. and R.M. Annas. Field Guide to Forest Ecosystems of West-Central Alberta. Edmonton: Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forestry Service, 1986. Classification of forest types and information on vegetation.

Cote, Wilfred A. Alberta Aspen: Tomorrow's Resource Today. Edmonton:Alberta Research Council, [1988]. A promotional brochure about the properties of aspen wood fibers. Excellent electron micrographs.

Drushka, Ken. Stumped: The Forest Industry in Transition. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1985. An outline of the problems in the forest industries in Canada.

Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. Remote Sensing for Forestry. Ottawa: Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, 1986. Catalogue number: M77-35/1986 E. A pamphlet on satellite imagery of forests.

Environment Council of Alberta. The Environmental Effects of Forestry Operations in Alberta. Report and Recommendations. Edmonton: Environment Council of Alberta, 1979. ECA79-13/RR. The Council put forward 140 recommendations, most of which are now implemented or being implemented. However there are some still outstanding concerns such as public participation in Forestry Management Agreements (Recommendation 38), closed system pulp mills (57), and affects of forestry on fish and wildlife (65-71).

Expert (Review) Panel on Forest Management in Alberta. Forest Management in Alberta. Edmonton: Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, 1990. Pub. No. I/340. This panel was chaired by Bruce P. Dancik. It made comments and submitted 133 recommendations on: public involvement, regulatory agencies (Forestry, Lands and Wildlife; Recreation and Parks), forestry planning, forest inventories, environmental impacts, integrated management, and reforestation.

Forestry Canada. Canada's Forest Inventory 1986. Ottawa: Forestry Canada, 1986. Catalogue number Fo 41-10/1986E. Overview of the amounts of harvestable trees.

Gillis, R. Peter and Thomas R. Roach. Lost Initiatives: Canada's Forest Industries, Forest Policy and Forest Conservation. New York: Greenwood, 1986. Contributions in Economics and Economic History, Number 69. Historical perspectives of forestry in Canada.

Gullion, Gordon W. Northern Forest Management for Wildlife. Edmonton: Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Alberta, 1986. Forest Industry Lecture Series No. 17. A booklet on how aspen should be managed for improving populations of wildlife.

Hammond, Herb. Seeing the Forest Among the Trees: The Case for Wholistic Forest Use. Vancouver, B.C.: Polestar Book Publishers, 1991. Covers the interconnectiveness of forests, use of forests, impacts of our use, politics of forests, and wholistic forest use.

Kabzems, A., A.L. Kosowan and W.C. Harris. Mixedwood Section in an Ecological Perspective, Saskatchewan, 2nd edition. Saskatchewan Parks and Renewable Resources, Forestry Division and Government of Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, 1986. Technical Bulletin No. 8, Forest Resource Development Agreement. An introduction to the mixed wood forest of the southern boreal forest of Saskatchewan.

Kimmins, J.P. Forest Ecology. New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1987. Textbook on forest ecology.

Knize, Perri. The Mismanagement of the National Forests. The Atlantic Monthly, volume 268, number 4, pages 98-100, 103, 104, 107, 108, 111, 112, October 1991. A criticism of the U.S. Forest Service and how it seems to be more interested in timber sales than long term forest protection. Some interesting points on manipulations of figures about economics and jobs.

Luken, James O. Directing Ecological Succession. London: Chapman and Hill, 1990. Introduction to applied ecological topics such as reforestation.

MacIver, D.C., R.B. Street, and A.N. Auclair, editors. Climate Applications in Forest Renewal and Forest Production: Proceedings of Forest Climate '86, November 17-20, 1986, Geneva Park, Orillia, Ontario. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Forestry Service, 1989 About 50 papers on climate and forest renewal, productivity and management.

Maini, J.S. and J.H. Cayford, editors. Growth and Utilization of Poplars in Canada. Ottawa: Forestry and Rural Development, Forestry Branch, 1968. Publication No. 1205. An old review of when poplar trees were considered as "weeds".

Malik, N. and W.H. Vanden Born. Use of Herbicides in Forest Management. Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forestry Service, revised 1987. Information Report NOR-X-282. A review of the use of and research on herbicides in Canada. Maser, Chris. The Redesigned Forest. Toronto: Stoddart, 1990. This book is about old growth forests, forest conservation, sustainable forestry, and forest policy of the Pacific Northwest.

Morton, Robert T. and Stephen J. Titus. Remote Sensing for Forest Resources: An Evaluation of Medium-small Scale Natural Color and Color Infrared Photography and Medium Scale Black and White Infrared for the Identification of Selected Forest Resource Features. Edmonton: Alberta Remote Sensing Center, 1984. Report 83-1. The sub-title says it all.

National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement. Procedures for Assessing the Effectiveness of Best Management Practices in Protecting Water and Stream Quality Associated with Managed Forests. New York: the Council, January 1988. Also as the Council's Technical Bulletin 538.

Omnifacts Research. Survey of Professional Foresters in Canada. Final Report to Forestry Canada. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: Omnifacts Research Limited, 1991. A survey conducted in September 1990 to determine the views of 2,362 foresters across Canada. Less than three in ten foresters ranked the current condition of forests in their province as excellent or good. Other topics included: forest problems, current and changing management practices, wood supply, harvesting, preservation, clearcutting, pesticides, performance of industry as well as provincial and federal governments, development agreements, and the role of the public.

Peace River Regional Planning Commission. The Forest Industry in the Peace River Region. [Grande Prairie]: The Commission, 1982. Covers B.C. and Alberta.

Peterson, E.B., V.M. Levson and R.D. Kabzems. Upper Limits of Standing Crop Density for Woody Species in the Prairie Provinces. Edmonton: Northern Forest Research Centre, Canadian Forestry Service, Environment Canada, 1982. Information Report NOR-X-243. MICROLOG 83-2381, 1 fiche. Observations made in 1979 in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba showed some young stands of shrubs and trees had considerably more above-ground standing crop than was expected from previous studies.

Renewable Resources Sub-Committee of the Public Advisory Committees to the Environment Council of Alberta. Our Dynamic Forests: The Challenge of Management. Edmonton: Environment Council of Alberta, 1990. ECA90-PA/CS-S15. A discussion paper for the Alberta Conservation Strategy. Contains perspectives on administration, management, economics, pulp technologies, multiple users, and sustainability of Alberta's forests.

Retnakaran, A., G.G. Grant, T.J. Ennis, P.G. Fast, B.M. Arif, D. Tyrrell and G.G. Wilson. Development of Environmentally Acceptable Methods for Controlling Insect Pests of Forests. Forest Pest Management Institute, Canadian Forestry Service, Department of the Environment, 1982. Information Report FPM-X-62. MICROLOG 83-2210, 1 fiche. Reviews insect control by physiological (e.g. hormones and growth regulators, sex pheromones, and genetics) and biological (e.g. bacteria, baculoviruses, fungi, microsporidia, parasites, predators) methods instead of by insecticides (biocides).

Revel, Richard D., T. David Dougherty, and David J. Downing. Forestry Growth and Revegetation Along Seismic Lines. Calgary: Univ. of Calgary, 1984. Gives information of possible use in revegetation of logged areas. Richards, John F. and Richard P. Tucker, editors. World Deforestation in the Twentieth Century. Durham: Duke University, 1988. Eleven essays that overview the removal of forests in various parts of the world.

Richmond, Hector Allan. Forever Green: The Story of one of Canada's Foremost Foresters. Lantzville, British Columbia: Oolichan Books, 1983. A forester's view of the forest industry in B.C.

Robinson, Gordon. The Forest and the Trees: A Guide to Excellent Forestry. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1988. A conservationalist's overview of forest management in the United States.

Sanderson, Kim, editor. Sustainable Use of Canada's Forests: Are We on the Right Track? Edmonton: Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists, 1991. Proceedings of a symposium held 5-6 April 1991 at Kananaskis, Alberta. Abstracts and transcripts of talks given at this conference.

Schneider, Aaron, editor. Deforestation and "Development" in Canada and the Tropics: The Impact on People and the Environment. Sydney, Nova Scotia: Centre for International Studies, University College of Cape Breton, 1989. Contains 120 short articles on three topics: development and deforestation in the tropics, forestry problems in Canada (British Columbia and Nova Scotia), and global impacts of deforestation.

Speight, Martin R. and David Wainhouse. Ecology and Management of Forest Insects. Toronto: Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. Despite its seemingly specialized title, this book contains a lot of general information on forest management.

Stoddard, Charles H. and Glenn M. Stoddard. Essentials of Forestry Practice, 4th ed. New York: John Wiley, 1987. A text for U.S. forestry students.

Swift, Jamie. Cut and Run: The Assault on Canada's Forests. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1983. A result of interviews with people who live and work in Canada's forests.

Syncrude Canada Ltd. Revegetation: Species Selection - An Initial Report. Edmonton: Syncrude Canada Ltd., 1975. Environmental Research Monograph 1974-3. Short description of natural plant communities and revegetated areas near Fort McMurray. Also gives some results of growth chamber studies.

Van Wagner, C.E. Development and Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Ottawa: Canadian Forestry Service, 1987. Forestry Technical Report 35. A short introduction to weather and forest fires.

Walmsley, M., G. Utzig, T. Vold, D. Moon and J. van Barneveld, editors. Describing Ecosystems in the Field. Victoria: Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Forestry, 1980. Land Management Report #7, RAB Technical Paper 2. An excellent field guide useful for describing forests.

Waring, Richard H. and William H. Schlesinger. Forest Ecosystems: Concepts and Management. Toronto: Academic Press, 1985. A specialized textbook; considerable physiology of trees.

Westworth, D.A. and Associates. Significant Natural Features of the Eastern Boreal Forest Region of Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife Technical Report, 1990. The Westworth report includes The Slave Lake, Athabasca and Lac La Biche Forest Regions (i.e. the FMA for Al-Pac). It lists 614 sites that possess "significant natural features", i.e. fish habitat and aquatic features, vegetation and terrain features, or wildlife habitat.

Wheaton, E.E. and T. Singh. Exploring the Implications of Climatic Change for the Boreal Forest and Forestry Economics of Western Canada. Development and Demonstration Facility. Downsview, Ontario: Climate Change Digest, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 1988. CCD document 89-02. Environment Canada document En57-27/1989-02. Saskatchewan Research Council document E-906-61-A-88. An 18 page summary of "An Exploration and Assessment of the Implications of Climatic Change for the Boreal Forest and Forestry Economics of the Prairie Provinces and Northwest Territories: Phase One" by E.E. Wheaton, T. Singh, R. Dempster, K.O. Higginbotham, J.P. Thorpe, G.C. Van Kooten, and J.S. Taylor. One major prediction is that, because of global warming, the southern edge of the boreal forest may shift northwards between 250 and 900 km.

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 27, 2012

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