Pulp Mills and the Environment: an Annotated Bibliography for Nothern Alberta


Alberta, Province of. Clean Air Act. Revised Statutes of Alberta 1980, Chapter C-12 with Amendments in force as of August 1, 1985. Edmonton: Queen's Printer, 1987. The act that controlled air pollution in Alberta.

Alberta, Province of. Clean Water Act. Revised Statutes of Alberta 1980, Chapter C-13 with Amendments in force as of August 1, 1985. Edmonton: Queen's Printer, 1987. The act that controlled water pollution in Alberta.

Alberta, Province of. Forests Act. and Forest Management Agreements (section 16 of Forests Act). Edmonton: Queen's Printer, various dates. The Forest Act controls regulations on the use of the province's forests. The Forest Management Agreements (FMAs) are made between the Province and individual companies. FMAs include definition of the Forest Management Area, withdrawals of land from the agreement, rights over land, cut periods, reforestation, forest protection, charges and dues, and mill construction and operation. For example, Order in Council 575/86 was made with Weldwood of Canada in 1986 and O.C. 778/88 was with Proctor & Gamble Inc. in 1988.

Bankes, N.D. Crown Timber Rights in Alberta. The Canadian Institute of Resources Law Working Paper 10. Calgary: Faculty of Law, University of Calgary, 1986. Legal aspects of selling the forests of Alberta: Forest Management Agreements, Pulpwood Agreements, quotas, and licenses.

Barton, Barry and Barbara Roulston. A Guide to Appearing Before the Surface Rights Board of Alberta. The Canadian Institute of Resources Law Working Paper 11. Calgary: Faculty of Law, University of Calgary, 1986. Information on hearings and compensation.

Duncan, Linda F. Cradle to Grave. Regulation of Toxic Substances in the Prairie Provinces. A Legal Overview. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1985. Includes: importation, manufacture, storage, transportation, pollution, emergencies.

Duncan, Linda F. Enforcing Environmental Law: A Guide to Private Prosecution. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1990. A layperson's guide to private prosecution.

Duncan, Linda F. Environmental Enforcement. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1984. Proceedings of the National Conference on the Enforcement of Environmental law. Approaches to enforcement and compliance in Canada.

Elder, P.S. Environmental Impact Assessment in Alberta. Alberta Law Review, volume 23, number 2, pages 286-309, 1985. A legal critique of the EIA process that points out several areas that could be improved.

Environment Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act: Enforcement and Compliance Policy. Ottawa: Environment Canada, 1988. En 40-356/1988E. A layperson's guide to this federal legislation.

Environment Council of Alberta. Alberta's Clean Water Act. Conclusions and Recommendations of the Review of the Clean Water Act. Edmonton: Environment Council of Alberta, 1985. ECA86-St/2. Gives 12 recommendations to improve the implementation and administration of the act.

Flett, Jillian and Dan Rogers. The Environmental Legal Action Handbook: A Citizen's Guide to Legal Action. Edmonton: Student Legal Services, 1980. The Acts are old but the possible actions are not.

Flett, Jullian, editor. Law and Policy Related to the Management of Hazardous Waste in the Province of Alberta. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1983. Proceedings of round table discussions on: siting hazardous waste disposal sites, obtaining compliance, plant closure activities, victim compensation, emergency spill response, avoidance and recycling of hazardous wastes.

Malvern, R.J., W.M. Paterson and W.J. Platt. A Reference Guide to Environmental Legislation in Canada (1989 Update). Ontario Hydro, Environmental Studies and Assessments Department, Report No. 90212, 1990. A concise listing of provincial and federal acts that deal with environmental issues, including: assessment, air, water, land, noise, wildlife and heritage.

Moen, Andrea B. Demystifying Forestry Law: An Alberta Analysis. Edmonton: Alberta Law Centre, 1990. Discusses ownership, regulation and management including: disposition of timber, Forest Management Agreements, reforestation, enforcement and environmental concerns.

Review Panel for Environmental Law Enforcement. An Action Plan for Environmental Law Enforcement in Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Environment, 1988. Recommendations on standards setting, air and water quality standards, licensing procedures and requirements, monitoring compliance, non-compliance, prosecution, offenses and penalties, and the Environment Enforcement Unit.

Swanson, Elizabeth and Elaine Hughes. The Price of Pollution: Environmental Litigation. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1990. Canadian law with respect to pollution, including tort actions, statutory actions and environmental prosecutions.

Tingley, Donna, editor. Environmental Protection and the Canadian Constitution. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1987. Proceedings of the Canadian Symposium on Jurisdiction and Responsibility for the Environment. Environmental perspectives by various levels of government, industry and the public on the constitutional framework, policies, administration of policies, and future directions.

Tingley, Donna, editor. Into the Future: Environmental Law and Policy for the 1990's. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1990. Proceedings of a national conference.

Vomberg, Mac. Bibliography of Legal Materials on Transportation of Hazardous Substances. Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 1982. Seven pages of cases, articles and acts. There are many implications for the transport of chemicals to pulp mills.

Zimmerman, Rae. Governmental Management of Chemical Risk: Regulatory Processes for Environmental Health. Lewis Publishers, 1990. American federal law and incentives.

Science Outreach Athabasca - September 27, 2012

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